This Week on YouTube: How to Send Sexy Texts - Sexting 101

by Jess

on Sep 14, 2018

One of the most common questions we get asked at Lovehoney is: "how can I spice up my sex life"?

Well, there are a bunch of ways, but it just so happens that one of the best ways is probably sitting in your palm right now: use your phone!

And no, we're not suggesting you utilise the vibrate function on your phone for "other" uses: we're talking sexting, people!

Ever tried it? Always wanted to but not sure how?

This week, we invited a sexting expert (yep - that's a thing) to come and teach us everything she knows.

Check out the video above, and read the interview below, to learn about Eva and the benefits of sexting.

Meet Eva...The Interview (Part 1)

Hey Eva! Who are you, and what do you do?

I’m Eva, and I host, write and film the YouTube channel: What’s My Body Doing?

How long have you been producing the channel for?

The channel has been running for 2 years, this May, and so far I have almost 2,500 subscribers.

If you could sum up What’s My Body Doing?, what is it and what are your goals?

What's My Body Doing is a collection of short, fun videos about sexuality, sexual health and relationships that are inclusive, from a feminist perspective, and backed with lots of sex research.

My videos are generally slanted towards people who don’t often get information about their bodies and sexualities.

For example, people who have clitorises often don’t learn about that stuff, or don’t often see their pleasure in porn, so I try to cater towards those people in particular.

What inspired you to start vlogging?

In 2015 in Ontario, which is the province where I live, they put out a really awesome, comprehensive sex ed curriculum, and I was like “I wanna help teach it!”.

I was already doing all these projects related to sexuality in school and I was working with the student health organisation on campus, so I emailed a bunch of people involved in the curriculum to find out how I could help, and they basically said “No. We don’t need your help.”

No way!

Yep! So I was like “ok”. I’d been watching YouTube since 2009, and sex ed YouTube channels were a big part of my own learning about my sexuality, so it seemed like a really natural progression to start a channel of my own.

Right now you're a student and working on your Sexting thesis: what were you studying or working on previously that lead you to where you are now?

So I kinda had an interesting path. I started study with a general Science programme, which progressed to Biochemistry. Then I did some Biology, which led to Neuroscience, and then ended up in Social Psychology.

Social justice is a big drive for me, but also science and understanding how things work, so I went from DNA to social physchology!

I knew I wanted to talk about sex, so I was like "maybe I can do it at a Biochemistry level". And you can: you can look at things like cells, ovaries and testes, and there are a lot of cool people doing that work, but felt like it wasn't quite "sex" enough.

So I went up another level and started talking about animals and mating routines, which was cool, but still not quite "sex" enough for me.

Now I'm at the point where I can get data on people's sexting frequency and, for me, that's just the right amount of "sex"!

Read the rest of our interview with Eva, and watch another video collaboration, in two weeks!

About the Experts...

Jess Wilde is one of the UK's leading experts in sex and bondage and is the go-to for all things sex - from general sex advice to the ins and outs of sex toys and kinks.

Eva is the creator and host of the online web series "What's My Body Doing"- a sex-positive, and LGBTQ+ inclusive sex-ed show! She's particularly passionate about sex research, bisexuality, and sexual pleasure.

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Written by Jess.

Originally published on Sep 14, 2018. Updated on Mar 09, 2025