7 Things You Never Knew About the Rabbit Vibrator

by Audrey Andrews

on Jul 25, 2018

Things You Never Knew About the Rabbit Vibrator

One of the most recognisable sex toys of all time, the rabbit vibrator has certainly earned its place in the Lovehoney Hall of Fame.

But did you realise that there's more to this iconic toy than meets the eye?

Read on to discover seven things you never knew about the rabbit vibrator!

1. Keeping it Classy

Sure, rabbits are known for their high libidos, but we can thank Japan’s obscenity laws for the vibrator that we all know and love today. The first ever rabbits were manufactured in Japan during the 1980s.

Making veiny, realistic internal stimulators would have broken Japan’s strict obscenity laws, so the first rabbits were colourful and featured the eponymous animal to evade prosecution.

2. A Lucky Charm

The reason a rabbit was chosen to feature on the vibrator (and not some other kind of furry fauna!) was because rabbits are considered lucky in Japan.

Additionally, the creator of the rabbit was herself born in the Year of the Rabbit on the Chinese calendar, so these two good omens seemed too good to pass up.

3. The Rabbit-Free Zone

It's illegal to sell the rabbit in the state of Alabama! In fact, you're not allowed to sell or distribute ANY sex toys in Alabama at all *screams and faints*.

The Anti-Obscenity Enforcement Act of 1998 criminalised the sale of sex toys in the American state, and unfortunately the act stands to this day.

However, sex toys are often sold as novelty items or 'educational' tools instead.

4. Straight to Video

A well-known fact about the rabbit is that it featured in the 1998 Sex and the City episode 'The Turtle & the Hare'. Charlotte becomes addicted to using her rabbit, so Carrie and the gang must stage an intervention.

But what you may not know is that the rabbit's creators didn't get to see the episode air!

At the time, they didn't have HBO, and it wasn't until a retailer gave them a homemade VHS of the episode much later that they finally got a chance to see their product in action.

5. Just What Makes the Rabbit SO Good?

What makes the rabbit so phenomenally successful is its ability to stimulate so many erogenous zones simultaneously.

The mid-shaft usually contains pearls or beads that gyrate and stimulate, like the Lovehoney Dream Rabbit Vibrator, while the end of shaft will often rotate or vibrate independently, causing incredible G-spot sensations.

Some models take this a step further – take the Fifty Shades of Grey Greedy Girl Thrusting Rabbit Vibrator for example. It features up to 36 different vibration and thrusting combinations for extra-satisfying play.

6. And the Vibrator Capital of Britain is...

In 2006 a leading survey revealed that Coventry was, at that time, the Vibrator Capital of Britain.

The toy of choice? Why, the rabbit, of course! 57% of Coventry residents said they enjoyed spending quality time with their rabbit (and, of course, we don't mean the kind in a hutch).

7. The Evolution of the Rabbit

The original rabbit first graced the top drawers of our night stands in the 1980s – but a lot has changed since then.

Today's rabbits can thrust, recharge, get wet, be portable and do so much more – check out Lovehoney's Ultimate Rabbit Guide to find your perfect match.

That's a mere seven things you probably didn't know about the rabbit vibrator.

If you want to find out more, you'll have to hop on over to our Rabbit Vibrators page. Go on, treat yourself!

Audrey Andrews is a student blogger for Lovehoney. In her spare time she loves to do craft, but would not advise knitting your own condoms.

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Audrey Andrews

Written by Audrey Andrews.

Originally published on Jul 25, 2018. Updated on Mar 08, 2025